✯Why Are We Here?✯

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Scrapster, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. People do not always need something to hate. Read the Dalai Lama's book Beyond Religion, especially the chapter on Dealing with Destructive Emotions. It is possible to live without hate, and I feel that I am proof of that, if you could not tell in these posts (in rl if you would definitely know that is true if you knew me).
  2. Really? Lol. I think most of the younger generations are cancer. Sjws, tumblrites, Modern "feminists", political correctness, liberals, and neck beards with fedoras.

    Bernie is more liberal right? He has the support of Sjws and fellow libtards.

    @OP, i think you see why we're here.
    To argue with each other.
  3. I don't think there is any specific meaning to life, but as Morgan said "all life is precious"

    Life is honestly what you make of it, I think it's that simple.
  4. Lmao yeah.
  5. You only see the negative in this generation?
  6. If only everyone were like you, but I suppose the change gotta start within ourselves
  7. Che
    That is kinda the point of the book, starting change within ourselves before looking to the world.
  8. But is it ever enough? We make the changes in ourselves, but why is America so quick to tear down its leaders
  9. Maybe some people want to remain stagnant, and only want to change when its convenient.
  10. Change your opinion.
  11. What im saying is how I think some people are like politicians, usually going with the flow of social changes. So when the people are all for a change they jump on the bendwagon, and support it, only doing so to further their career when they couldn't care less
  12. So for the people here in America, I think some are lacking confidence, and don't wanna speak out on something until everyone else does. Like say if you approved of gay marriage, which is fine cause today many do, but some years ago you would've gotten verbally assaulted if you were like a famous person

  13. Sounds like you're against gay marriage as well..


    It's Donald Trump, I knew he played kaw..
  14. 332 replies on this thread 200 of them are Che's.
  15. Or like the policy brutality done to black, but no black people wanna acknowledge black on black crimes. Some do, the famous African Americans today don't, some just wanna go with the flow of the social problems pertaining to their ethnicity. The mindset is whatever the black people are on, I wanna be on it too, because they fear loosing their fans, and people might think them traitors to their own so called RACE
  16. I know we aren't here to make to many threads.

  17. Che's guide to post count farming..
  18. Prime hates liberals
  19. Once we've made the morally right changes in ourselves, we work at ethically promoting those same changes in others. You cannot force people to change and expect it to be successful. My motto would be to lead by example, to show a better alternative.

    Of course you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. ;) anyways, once people start accepting change as a better alternative, nearly every aspect of society would need to be rediscovered so that the whole world (planet, people, plants, etc.) benefit, not just a small portion of Earth's population.

    And people are going to want to make these changes if they have made the changes in themselves to overcome hate, fear, and other destructive emotions. Compassion is the key. Once we help ourselves, we naturally will want to help others (unless people are just putting on a show).
  20. Support for the religion agnostic which means you don't know. Lets all admit we don't know!!!!