✯Who's the Greatest Rapper in the World?✯

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Scrapster, May 31, 2016.

  1. J Cole is like a solid 6/10 lmao he's good but def doesn't deserve to even be mentioned as GOAT
    Also drake is trash
  2. Snoop isn't a great rapper? Snoop > J Cole
  3. Snoop now isn't all that great, back in the day sure, but now he's better with someone as like an added voice and such. IMO.
  4. George Michael
    Wham rap
    End of debate
  5. It's a discussion about the greatest of all time, so you talk about his prime. Also if snoop put full effort into an album I believe it would still be better than most rap albums that come out nowadays.
  6. IceJJFish is the best rapper of all time better than tupac/biggy/eminem all of them.
  7. Yo numbers kid, calm down. Just because someone has an opinion that isn't the same as yours, doesn't mean u have to whine about everything. All u do is flame others for their opinions. And u call people here 16 y/o, but judging by your posts here, i would youre 10 at most.
  8. The thread would die if we all just posted our opinions and then didn't dispute eachother. I assume you don't post on rap genius often?
  9. Snoop is not the best rapper of all time he's good but not the best literally this is the first time I've ever seen snoop called the best
  10. I didn't say he was the best. I've already said my opinion on who's best earlier in the thread, Nas and Eminem 99-03.
  11. What is the definition of Hip Hop to you? Many have forgotten what is. So tell me grimmy what is Hip Hop?
  12. Why not Pac? He's up there with his story telling, he ain't better then Nas but lets be real here. People always wanna immortalize someone after death, PAC has become greater in death, despite his very short career. I find that depressing, you better be paying Kendrick his do's in the next 10 years cause over the few years his music is reaching world wide over the underground. Him and a few others are bringing back real Hip Hop, not this mutation of what you hear on the radio. Difference is he's more successful with it, don't get me wrong change is good but im just disgusted with these old respected rappers willing to compromise to make trash music
  13. Of course pac became greater in death, so did the likes of Eazy E. Nas will become greater in death and Eminem will be put in a league of his own after his death tbh. Kendrick just hasn't reached the level of the greatest of all time for me yet. If you take away the legacy pac got because of his death then they could be comparable but you have to look at their impact on the genre too and Pac's legacy has had an impact that Kendrick may never be able to have on the genre.

    There can't even be an argument for him being equal to Nas or Eminem.
  14. Ah but would he have longevity? Or would eventually have money problems and fall of like Nas did. This is why I even compare Jay Z, id rather live with longevity they have someone sleep on me then be like oh he was really hot lol
  15. You and I know things would be different for Eazy if he had lived
  16. He could of had longevity or he might not of had. Real life circumstances impact that and because we can't know the things he would of experienced, we can never know the answer.
  17. Kendrick lamar

    Kendrick lamar

    the marshal mathers LP

    Childish Gambino



    Tie between N.W.A and Wutang
  18. I mentioned him early in the thread but no one is gonna give props to Pace Won? How bout the Outsidaz? ...D12? Tony Touch? (mentioned him too)

    ...come on now no love for Underground East Coast?

    (most of what I've heard mentioned here is mainstream satellite radio BS that you guys listen to on your way to work/school)
  19. D12 are great but they don't possibly stand a chance against NWA so can't win best group. Outsidaz are average at best, young Zee deserves props for heavily influencing eminems rap style tho.
  20. Other phones glitchy...

    ...go YouTube and listen to Pace Won & Mr Green's "Hip Hop"

    ....tell me that ain't real 

    (Check out TonyTouch too ...best album "Proricans")