They have free trade deals.. There are lots of reasons for us to go.. 1. Times are changing, there is widespread anti immigration feeling all across the EU. - the age of free movement is over, within the next decade stratfor (intelligence analysts) expect the EU to crumble. 2. The supposed EU army, just... No thanks. 3. Turkey, as we have touched on, we have a VETO in membership, for now atleast. I don't think we have a strong enough PM (or potential PM) to to refuse to bow to political pressure from continental Europe. 4. The Euro, massively unstable, huge rates of youth unemployment are not sustainable in the long term and there is no cohesive plan to combat it. - yes, we may not use the euro, but with no ACTUAL treaty changes, everything Cameron 'won' in his negotiations is not concrete, it wouldn't be there first time the EU has broken it's word. If the euro fails, you would have to be a madman to think that our money wouldn't be used for future bailouts, it's kind of the whole point.
Stop being worried for future bailouts lol. The "leave" campaign is using Greece to scare people...but guess what!? Greece debt is 170% of GDP while UK's debt is a whopping 560% of GDP. You might not see it yet, but UK is doing way much worse than Greece.
Again, for those free trade deals Norway and Switzerland must accept free of movement. For those free trade deals, their product designated for EU market must comply to EU regulations. So no free trade deals for you unless you accept free of movement (immigration) and you must obey to EU regulations. So what exactly you win if you leave EU but make free trade agreements with EU? Nothing. You just lose your seat at decisions table. Not to mention that so far the signals are that getting a trade agreement will be a hard (if not impossible) task. "Germany’s finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, has slammed the door on Britain retaining access to the single market if it votes to the leave the European Union. In an interview in a Brexit-themed issue of German weekly Der Spiegel, the influential veteran politician ruled out the possibility of the UK following a Swiss or Norwegian model that would allow it to enjoy the benefits of the single market without being an EU member. “That won’t work,” Schäuble told Der Spiegel. “It would require the country to abide by the rules of a club from which it currently wants to withdraw. If the majority in Britain opts for Brexit, that would be a decision against the single market. In is in. Out is out. One has to respect the sovereignty of the British people.” ... auble-says
I never said a FREE trade deal. U.K. National debt is at around 83pc, NOT 560 (don't quite know where you pulled that from?)
Check the link i posted above. I was talking about UK's debt not UK national debt. That include private sector aswell not only public debt. Because guess what...private sector require bailouts at times aswell.
I love how Vlad forgot to mention that the UK's external assets almost match the external debt. Scaremongering at its finest.
You dont actually think that austrailia and canada could in any way tip the scales what so ever in a war against the U.S. do you? Its like rounding up poodles to deal with a grizzly bear
They are ahead of every other country but they do not have the resources to fight a multi front war against so many developed countries and lack the manpower to capture and hold even half the land mass off all those countries, but like I said, nukes leave everyone dead in such a war.
Because they are too dumb to read the title if the thread ? Reminds me of idiots whipping theirs out to prove who has the bigger one. Or it could be they are self absorbed and don't want people discussing a real issue that faces the uk now. But what would I know.