✯The EU Referendum✯

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Scrapster, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. The U.K. Hasn't been 'ruled' by its monarchy for centuries. Around 400 years iirc.
  2. I vote out. I want the EU to regain its borders with the UK. Stop all those yobs coming for cheap holidays, beer and thrills to countries like Spain, Greece, Italy or France! Visa time guys. I want our skilled electricians, builders, bankers, IT specialists back home. Benefiting our local communities and paying the taxes they paid in UK back within the EU. I still recall the quality and workmanship of UK specialists. All I can say - Good luck guys fixing those leaks. It is admirable how the dream of imperial britannia is still alive. I truly hope that once UK wakes up and finds the economy in the gutters, unemployment high, house prices crashed, pound down (oops, already happening) it won't blame the EU for it. Fat chance right? Lol.
  3. Funny thing is that after a BREXIT, that imperial Britannia will be half of an island lol. In eventuality of a brexit, Scotland will have another referendum. At last one the vote was switched for staying in UK after EU stated very clear that a "out of UK" vote means an "out of EU" one. At the next one the result might be diferent. And probably will happen the same with Wales. Wales is the UK "province" who benefits the most over UK being part of EU. So UK basically will be just England.
  4. Vlad Wales is a country not a province. The four countries make the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
  5. You guys have whales in your country? How do you communicate?

  6. Choir music, duh
  7. While sipping some tea mate
  8. Leave EU so Scotland will leave UK...

    ...you're better off. You'll get rid off Parsfsn and his added burden to you welfare system.

    What other reason do you need?

  9. No tod both countries would be smaller less vital places without the other. The scots and the British would both make successful countries but neither would be as good as they both can be together.
  10. Anyone got a link the last nights debate? Farage vs Cameron? :? I missed it.

    Hands down, Nigel is the best comedian we've ever seen. The stuff he says is pure gold.

  11. True, but Cameron is a straight out liar, along with his bum chum osborne
  12. Support
  13. Yeah but you'ld be rid of Parsfan ...for England that should be enough reason
  14. I know it may sound controversial but I like parsfan and Scotland

  15. Awwww, I'm famous for my 'rants' ? Lol. Thanks, I didn't realise I was famous for anything.

    However you're blatantly lying out of your ass. It's quoted up there, however I'll do it again incase you missed it:

    Here, within this specimen of text, you can see that despite its protests, the Barcode account quite clearly states it's the SAME question.

  16. Farage is an utter imbecile and came across as such. I wouldn't waste your time watching it.
    The sky debate with Cameron was far better, a student off put Cameron early on and you got to see a far more honest Cameron, rather than a rehearsed act.
    Out still means economic collapse, and either way trade deals mean free movement.
    Why the government did not secure possible out deals to place before the electorate prior to the referendum just shows the fiasco that the entire situation presents.
    Their is no good option. Only the lesser of two evils.
    To destroy the economy or not.
    Nice choice.
  17. It's more of a destroy the economy now, or allow the will try to destroy all of our economies.

    The eu cannot be reformed, it is too large.

    Citizens of member states all the way across the EU are unhappy, I suspect a fair few referendums in the near future in europe, with mixed results.
  18. Honestly I agree Rio.
    We just are not prepared for an exit at this stage.
    All the bluster and bumph that has gone into the campaign should have gone on on securing an exit plan first.

    I would honestly rather see the referendum occur in 2-5 years when plans are in place.
    As is. The UK isn't ready for an exit. But may well be forced into one due to incompetent planning by the government.
  19. The debate was funny. A guy born from parents who immigrated in 1963 from India was angry on Cameron because he didn't managed to cut... immigration lol. I'm in! Now lock the door already!
  20. We wouldn't be exiting on June 24th.

    We would have to negotiate an exit under provisions in the Lisbon Treaty, which are supposed to be concluded within two years. During the period of negotiation we will still be in the EU and the only changes will be fluctations in the value of the pound. Two years is enough time for the UK government and businesses to put plans in place to exist outside the Single Market, if they haven't started planning for the opportunities of lower trade barriers with the rest of the world after EU external tariffs are ditched.