You even add the "5 hits is farming" rule lol. Not one serious mention of pvp in the whole thing. Kaws new gen is soft and it's because of this mentality.
Mine doesn't say DTS. It says OTS- Opponent Too Strong. Is it a mistake in the OP, or is my phone just weird?...
Your phone is wierd. Bro, there are plenty of guides out there for new people that explain everything. Delphin has a guide very similar to yours in Best Of, Dilly has an old kaw Handbook and Bob has a new one. Ask and look around through every section before you make something, youre just duplicating better work.
Thanks señorita. That would explain why when so I "OTS" everyone says "Umm, do you mean DTS?" :embarrassed: (Sorry if the bbc fails...I don't use that one often)
I normally only use the :shock: or :roll: faces... Lets try this again: :embarrassment: :embarrass: :embarrassing: If ONE of those doesn't work, I'm just gonna not use it ._.