✪ - KaW ArenA - ✪

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Lady_Liz, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Support. Love this idea
  2. Epic idea! Full Support!
  3. if this happens im so warring SUPPOET
  4. Op I think email devs
  5. Support, this is the perfect solution to solve no matches!
  6. 100% SUPPORT I saw a comment b4 about earning points as a reward. Would this work with the only reward being points? then there could be a market place where you can spend all these points. The more you save the better you can buy.
  7. ^adding more 2 comment above xD
    It would be nice if people could purchase anything they wanted. so when people are going for certain things or achievements this could help them.
    Here is a list of some of the things people could purchase: banners and banner items, bronze bars, speakers, pots, GOLD, mithril, spells, crystals, nobility, and many more.
  8. How about an added feature where you can put up your equipment / mith / BB / aqua/inferno / or gold up as part of the battle. Ya know kinda like racing for pink slips. (Yes I just watched Fast and Furious)  
  9. Your so smart i support 100%
  10. It's a Great idea
  11. Oddly I rather enjoyed the read support ️
  12. @warlord_infinity what game ??
  13. Amazing idea great thread bravo
  14. Super Support! makes other builds not able to war, able to war catch my meaning?:)
  15. Thanks for the input, ideas and suggestions. I'll try to edit my opening post when I get on my computer and figure out how that works
  16. Support - great idea
  17.  Still waiting Liz 
  18. Support... already been suggested or close to same concept.