Re: The Forumdex:Official Unofficial Index of Forumers! [VOTING] Last couple pages have seen faces..err..names we haven't seen in a while. Probably don't know me, but hello Ghoomba.
Re: The Forumdex:Official Unofficial Index of Forumers! [VOTING] Vote for me, I'm a newer forumer but I post on a lot of AT! And I'll give you a free unicorn!
Re: The Forumdex:Official Unofficial Index of Forumers! [VOTING] Hey, Elite_Ghoomba Magicalpencils and something else Ghoomba
Re: The Forumdex:Official Unofficial Index of Forumers! [VOTING] Ghoomb!!! *Tackles and pins in forums*
Re: The Forumdex:Official Unofficial Index of Forumers! [VOTING] And why is it that me and Shol are the only '09 players in the past 10 pages?
Re: The Forumdex:Official Unofficial Index of Forumers! [VOTING] Because players sometimes quit and its more likely for '10 and '11/'12 players to still be playing than 09 people.
Re: The Forumdex:Official Unofficial Index of Forumers! [VOTING] There were so many '09 players though... and at least some of them should still be in forums.
Re: The Forumdex:Official Unofficial Index of Forumers! [VOTING] Not like it matters anyways. People are people, their join date doesnt change their personalities.
Re: The Forumdex:Official Unofficial Index of Forumers! [VOTING] I'm late '09. Hey ghoomba! you probably don't know me but hi.