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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -Deadly-, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. Bump

    *Sets narwhal on fire as I fly away from tidal wave*
  2. Lol, you're so late, dragon saved you, and I'm in a magical Pokeball only accessible if you're a unicorn
  3. Oh. I'm late to party. Might as well set the pokeball on fire.
  4. Get on topic or get out, nobody wants this locked and Deadly sure as hell won't remake it. .-.
  6. Am I well known?

    You may know me as Im_So_Insane/--OutKast--/EpicWarrior

    Just asking.
  7. Aw, me still not on therez.
  8. And vengance, you indeed are. Secondly, I would add you, but my memory is a complete blur. I need to get to know everybody again.
  9. We were just fighting for a spot on the thread... It did go a little off topic but...
  10. Alright, im going to say this once more.

    I cant remember any of you for ****. Its not your fault, its mine for having a terrible memory. Thing is, I need to get to know everybody again.
  11. What about ME!
    I'm known as helpful when I want to be and provocative and annoying and flaming when I'm not, if that helps :)
  12. Should I say things about myself??
  13. This is interesting, good job op 
  14. Nono, ill make up my own stuff. Im quite good at surveillence.
  15. Watch me through my window and well be closer in no time
  16. Nice thread deadly.

    Just a request but could you add me? If not I understand.
  17. Brother, I would, but I need to get to know you again.
  18. Head is Goldentroll,