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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -Deadly-, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. I remember when you first made this Deadly. :p
  2. Darn! Not on there.
  3. Please add me in. I have been foruming for a while, I have just reset. Like five times.
  4. I want teh longest and best bio thingy Evah! Make it happen servent
  5. Mew, is alive
  6. Mew! Tell your servant to add me!

    I don't pay him to slack off.

    In fact, I don't pay him at all.
  7. Mew, do the same for me!
  8. Peasants. Shush
  9. Peasant?

    This is King_Dragonite you're talking to!
  10. Dragonit pwease add me
  11. He still hasn't changed my name from flint...
  12. Am I the only one added out of all of us right now?
  13. Omergawd it's flint!

    Burn his house, beat his mother!
  14. Yes Mew...

    I've been trying to get Deady to add me since this was made -.-
  15. Deadly! ADD ME
  16. Telling him to add you repeatedly doesn't make him want to add you.

    Please stop spamming his thread.