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Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -Deadly-, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. He drew himself drawing himself over and over again.
  2. For 209 pages theres not a lot of ppl on that list
  3. The drawing gets brighter each time, so the artist is trying to brighten up his life/view?
  4. Lol no... I'll make a thread on it. It deserves it's own thread.
  5. :( I see none of my accounts on there, the injustice lol.
  6. It's a painting within a painting...
    Think about it.
  7. I'm active again, just got myself an iDevice, so there is gonna be more of me around, that s if you guys still remember me
  8. Deadly,add meh!
  9. Alright falcon
  10. iFalcon had the most engaging thread of ALL TIME.. 
  11. I've been busting my ass to get on here for years and I'm still not there.....why do I even try:/.....
  12. I was there too!
  13. Dat thread... :\
  14. This thread hasn't existed for years...
  15. Thank you deadly for my addition :) I think of you as one of the best forumers around and am lucky to be your friend :D
  16. Awesome dude sure. But the helpful part? Psh. :3
  17. Also, Rayquaza is Flint's new name I believe
  18. I still remember when you first made this thead. Ah the many people in this thread that have vanished.