♜The Forumdex: The Official Unofficial Index of Forumers!♗

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -Deadly-, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. No, I'm not on here. :p
  2. You updated the title?
  3. indeedy. I chose chess pieces cause we're all players in a game :p
  4. Good job
  5. Oh ooh oooh

    Choose me choose me! 
  6. I like my manly pink color =)
  7. Isn't it great slayer?
    It's too manly..
  8. I want to be added
  9. perhaps, growl
  10. Its a ForumDex, Only certain forumer's make it

  11. *forumers
  12. Wasn't sure whether that was a word or not. Felt odd typing it 
  13. I would like to be added :)
  14. I want to be on it
  15. Rule of thumb: if you feel like you are getting dizzy or lightheaded while typing, it's because you typed so poorly that brain cells are dying. Stop the slaughter. Take a break.
  17. Don't be trying to frame me for double post spam
  18. Please remove my entry from the forumdex. Thanks.
  19. Awesome thread Deadly, fun to read. I need to step up my game so that I can make this list