♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔ <<Spoiler Alert - Fair Warning>>

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Wulf, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Need in active topics
  2. Can u update it please
  3. cool all info about ebs is here..

    very well done wulf thanks a lot for this forum :)
  4. Thank you so much for this guide!
  5. Is there any way to list what pots will maximize your hit or plunder bonus?
  6. Ikkkkkkkkkkkkkikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  7. Re: Storm the Palace

    In the guide for Storm The Palace, the bar you have to scout isn't "Haunted Walls." This bar's name is "Murder-Holes."
  8. Bump 4 noob
  9. What ebs drop banner stuff again?
  10. I don't find "Lure of the Hive" eb here!
  11. There is no point in putting a temporary EB's info here. There is a guide in active topics if you are looking for the swarm eb info.
  12. This guide has helped me a lot great job wulf
  13. lol how big is wolf
  14. One of my clan members got a horn from warbeasts, so Wulf's Warbeasts guide must be updated