First: Attack Brier Wall to 0 Second: Use Item: Elixir of Rage on Twisting Tendrils to 0 It Regenerates 1500 every ? minutes Third: Attack Sporavek to 80% Phase 1/4 Completion: Sporavek twists in agony; its piercing shriek sounds through the jungle.
First: Attack Bulwarkl to 0 Second: Assassinate Marksmen to 0 It Regenerates 10% every 3 minutes Third: Attack Sporavek to 60% Phase 2/4 Completion: .
First: Attack Scionic to 0 Second: Steal Wilfflower to 0 Third: Attack Sporavek to ?% Phase 3/4 Completion: .
First: Use Item: Quetzal Skull on Nestlings to 0 Second: Scout Great Quetzal to 0 It Regenerates 2000 every ? minutes Third: Attack and Assassinate Tree of Death to 75% Phase 1/4 Completion: The Great Quetzal means you no harm, it only wishes to protect its young.
First: Steal Unkari Weapons to 0 Second: Scout Sporavek to 0 Third: Attack and Assassinate Tree of Death to 50% Phase 2/4 Completion: Your soldiers have driven the soul of Sporavek from the tree...
First: Attack and Assassinate Unkari Rangers to 0 Second: Scout Unkari Elder to 0 Third: Attack and Assassinate Tree of Death to 25% Phase 3/4 Completion: Your pleas are heard. The Unkari elder agrees: a Quetzal of such immense size must be sacred.
First: Attack and Assassinate Soul of Spoavek to 0 Second: Scout Suffering Quetzal to 0 Third: Attack and Assassinate Tree of Death to 0% Mission Completion: .