♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔ (NEW KING OF THE TITANS ADDED)

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Choccy, May 21, 2015.

  1. Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔

    The guide to the new epic battle The Labyrinth of Zoma has been added to the guide, and can be found on this page! :)
  2. Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔

    Thanks choco :D
  3. Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔

    Whats the pay like on mew eb?
  4. Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔

    It pays around the same as LOTL I would say, maybe a little less.

    And you're welcome, Kezzer! :D
  5. Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔

  6. Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔

  7. Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔

  8. Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔

  9. Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔

  10. Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔

  11. The Netherking

    [​IMG] This epic battle will soon be available during the Weekdays!

    Apheriun the Netherking

    Level 1 - The Netherking
    Time: 12 hours
    Blood Rains Time: N/A
    Blood Rains Plunder Bonus: N/A

    Description: A giant rent suddenly appears in the fabric of the night sky, beyond which can be seen the eternal moonless dark of the Nether Plane...
    #951 Choccy, Oct 24, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2020
  12. The Netherking

    PHASE 1:
    First: Use Item: Seal of the Damned on Cataclysmic Rift [1,000]

    When the bar is done, one action is needed (Attack or Assassinate) to reach phase 2.

    Phase 1/6 Completion: The final seal is invoked and the tear in the sky is healed, but the Floating Kingdom now hovers in the sky of the Mortal Realm.
    C00KE and salehaldeen like this.
  13. The Netherking

    PHASE 2:
    First: Attack and Assassinate Mortars and Bombards [85,050]
    Second: Attack and Assassinate Unleash Siege Dragons [106,312]
    Third: Attack and Assassinate Skeletal Apparition Legions [108,960]
    Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Winghoul Swarm [201,993]
    Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Netherking to 90% [100%]

    Phase 2/6 Completion: As your forces fight through the evil mass, you spot a giant skeletal figure in the distance, silhouetted bye the moon...
  14. The Netherking

    PHASE 3:
    First: Attack and Assassinate Skeletal Aberrations [127,575]
    Second: Use Item: Holy Wrath on Netherking's Seals [93,000]
    Third: Attack and Assassinate Winghoul Swarms [127,575]
    Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Hordes of the Nether [201,993]
    Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Netherking to 80% [90%]

    Phase 3/6 Completion: Your suspicions are confirmed... somehow, The Exiled One has returned. Apheriun performs an arcane gesture, and the very light of the moon is extinguished.
    o0oWolfo0o and grassinfire like this.
  15. The Netherking

    PHASE 4:
    First: Use Item: Seal of Divinity on Diabolical Mist [304,500]
    Second: Attack and Assassinate Spectral Guard [106,312]
    Third: Attack and Assassinate The Wailing of the Damned [63,787]
    Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Winghoul Formations [85,050]
    Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Mist Zombies [148,837]
    Sixth: Attack and Assassinate Netherking to 60% [80%]

    Phase 4/6 Completion: As you move nearer to Apheriun, you begin to realize at last the source of his terrifying new power...
    Peppers likes this.
  16. The Netherking

    PHASE 5:
    First: Attack and Assassinate Haze of the Diabolical [148,837]
    Second: Attack and Assassinate Forests of Malevolence [191,362]
    Third: Attack and Assassinate Spectral Mist Guardians [233,887]
    Fourth: Use Item: Orb of Illumination on Night Into Day [207,000]
    Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Winghoul Swarms [276,412]
    Sixth: Attack and Assassinate Netherking to 50% [60%]

    Phase 5/6 Completion: You have at last battled your way to the Netherking. The time of the final reckoning is at hand!
  17. The Netherking

    PHASE 6 [Final Phase]:
    First: Attack and Assassinate Last Charge of the Damned [148,837]
    Second: Attack and Assassinate Skeletal Mass [212,625]
    Third: Attack and Assassinate Engine of Corpses [318,937]
    Fourth: Attack and Assassinate Haze of Destruction [191,362]
    Fifth: Attack and Assassinate Elders of the Darkborn [372,093]
    Sixth: Attack and Assassinate Netherking to 0% [50%]

    Mission Completion: Defeated at last, Apheriun and his kingdom begin to disolve. Your forces return to the ground in time to watch the last vestiges of the island disappear in the light of the restored moon. You have defeated the Netherking!
  18. The Netherking

    When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Apheriun the Netherking to Level 1 which has the following total bonuses:
    1. Attack bonus = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan
      Defense Bonus = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan
      Spy Attack = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan
      Spy Defense = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan
  19. The Netherking

    Rare Item (drop is completely random):
  20. The Netherking

    Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic battle randomly.
    These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage.