Cover of Night Level 2 - Cover of Night Time: 4 hours Blood Rains Time: 1 hour Blood Rains Plunder Bonus: 5% Description: Your intelligence gathered information on Calydor's secret vault. Sneak in and see what you can find.
Cover of Night PHASE 1: First: Use item: Sleeping Potion on Water Supply [24,000] and Assassinate Stray Guards [9,000] Second: Steal Treasures to 0% [100%]
Cover of Night Mission Completion: Your clan was able to plunder gold and countless jewelry. These were mere trinkets though. Maybe their kingdom is hiding something else.
Cover of Night CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Calydor the Depraved Clan Achievement to Level 2 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan Defense Bonus = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Attack = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Defense = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan
Kingdom Assault Level 3 - Kingdom Assault Time: 6 hours Blood Rains Time: 1 hour Blood Rains Plunder Bonus: 5% Description: Your intelligence was mistaken. The boar army is hiding something even more valuable. Battle through their lines of defense and bring down their kingdom gate.
Kingdom Assault PHASE 1: First: Attack and Assassinate First Line [18,375] This bar regenerates 552 points every 5 minutes. Second: Attack and Assassinate Second Line [30,625] This bar regenerates 919 points every 5 minutes. Third: Attack and Assassinate Kingdom Gate to 0% [100%]
Kingdom Assault Mission Completion: You've broken through the gate. Now make your way into the kingdom.
Kingdom Assault CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Calydor the Depraved Clan Achievement to Level 3 which has the following total bonuses: Attack bonus = 2% to everyone while they are in the clan Defense Bonus = 1% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Attack = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan Spy Defense = 0% to everyone while they are in the clan