★SpreadSheet Build Calc.★ ★T8 Stat Complete 26/5/16★

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Neonnq, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    Why why why not sticky
  2. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

  3. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    Happy thx giving
  4. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

  5. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    Bump! Hey Mods wanna please sticky or better yet move over to the "guide" section along with the other sticky pages in forums that belong in guides!! ️
  6. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    helpful, thank you
  7. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

  8. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    thanks for the effort and sheare


    stick this plz
  9. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

  10. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

  11. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

  12. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

  13. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    sticky pls
  14. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    Really helpful, thank-you neon
  15. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    Sticky please. Very helpful!
  16. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    Sticky this please
  17. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    Can this be used on droids? im a nub
  18. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    Well bad news looks like something changed stats wise at some point for Rime Fortress and Blood Barracks...
    TYVM escargot-Snail_King_of_Resets for pointing this out! :) Good catch

    If you've already downloaded the spreadsheet change these Cells ill update the links soon...

    T57 - 11311
    U57 - 14697
    T60 - 14905
    U60 - 9797

    My apologizes to all I have no idea when this changed! :eek: I went off of the forum post of building stats as I didn't have any buildings even close to that when released! lol I have now verified that the above numbers are indeed what is listed in game as next stats (lvl 3) will be! If anyone has lvl3 buildings and the stats are different let me know! TYVM

  19. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    Needs a sticky most deffinately
  20. Re: ★T6 Build Calc.★ ★Final★

    Neonnq, I think you already corrected those values in a previous update.

    I found another difference to my version, this would be tha value of the T4 lvl2 adt (row 77). You may find my version of the calculator appended to the old sticky for T5...