Couldnt go again couldnt go in again its happened in an instant mane times im wary time im left pointed to be scary pissed misfit caring insane maybe a brain cell away from a split crane of a building worth nothing of forfulling my carrer. Heres a beer. Bablon juice the proud roots of who do those dirty things in suits all from different crews and a vest of tech reckage wheels steals. Just to go appeal its quite unreal. But still retchid repented away thoughts to slay just gotta keep pray in whats sin wonder that within a bible full of discipline listen to them old and fell young kinda dumb dumb as runs on a board board walk ave talking bout old days where we didnt do things for half of that mappage rags to clean your wheels going upon citys maps half to be smoking dat herb superb screw vers nature im player playing im staying i wouldnt expect u ur only position os to keep praying but to what? Thats confused be a mus.. Moses noseless smells roses crowled over mouth wordless churned in a smile young quite wild just that. Just that back to my snap back cali is off to a day tomorrow in the valley of a building with donation nails hammer in a little bit of pearls minus the squirles on the frame. Quite a pane to walk on a 2x4 frame.
Who tho best who the best the clue to the rest untold untold its raw stories like mold a spread to get you sicker eyes fold over colder its like winter all over beaten and barren who will be the best to be chanting and mis landing a moon to be plating their soon to be brew to all fools to be less the you its so un ruthely of me to be the seedly ungiving im sinning cheatin a keylock to paradox tossing rocks kicking my memories like grimy enemies filled with the lesser side of a person that could couldnt or wouldnt survivive to my surprise bam a ride riddle a fiddle play. Songs make u worth ur day up feet its like nice chunks of meat pepper coming in the club back vector undecover spector shade ops im running special force to be on my course ill catch you on your tail with a fork stay there i dont care my dreams your nightmare but paper its paper whats ur worth slayer go all in on the vapor juice up take your time like cooking a steak its so nice like lets go to the lake jump in swimming go all in and no one here itching a hot burn in the kitching u need aid doctors for that write? Write light listen dont ur missen a ficion piece i guess my raps maybe should be leased
Crimson an imitation barely making a ripple in this thread/ He could never get into my light/ Skill is fairly wasted, paired with basic, never making it to my heights/ Initially I was feeling him, thinking he coulda been decent/ But like his bars he digressed after spittin his recents/ Obviously, you seem to know a lot about poverty so tell me about the times you'd sleep/ On the floor in the projects cautiously, with roaches as your room mates probably/ Heater under your mattress, knowing you're one of the fruit cakes/ One of the kids to get beat up continuously getting some tooth aches/ You got bodied then now I can put you in a body bag/ me a fan? Ship you off and laugh, taking off this mask, I am the kaw freestyle king, now hop off my sack/
Just waiting for your to reply wit some rap thinking you thug, lol GTHO. If it wasn't for me starting this thread in the begining none of you would be on here. So how do you repay me? By turning this thread into garbage with these trashy raps.
Gotta do this like 6 man like woah this dude tryna stop the boy flow wondering how he rose wondering how he gonna pose boys wearing clothes wanting to jump rows just to see the boy fold never will i fold with the hearts so cold people thinking they bold tryna start stuff to get owed never see me go im always gonna glow its the flies im passing by youll never see me die wonder why im on this like sci dont wanna me wri then its a fight u aint nothing of my type im here tryna expose the light ur nothing to this mic u wont catch me im in the streets on a bike 25 to life haters wanna get at me like rice confusing like dice wanting at the boy for playing with haters like lice never wanna see a boy clean running with the means got em all turnt up like feens wanting at me cause the boy blood mean tall wonder why i aint got no time to stop at all theyd rather see me fall! Wonder why i ball had to much air in my jaw wanna see the boy raw wanna make they way far doing it wrong wonder why im the song haters tryna ruin me all night long got the addys on the ceiling adding up so i can quit feelin the appealing dicison of critcism of no fixing missing its missin a whole piece of fiction i need some screws my brain capacity is loose.. Wanna see the boy on a noose
I suck terrible now. Cause this dude opinion really matters at this time and area. Thanks for your thumb.
Nuja bes. Blind rapper do not allow on page. Raps for style. Also eats lots of ramen and goes to church for the activites.