CONFIRMED, got out of an SS and got 700 fangs for about 300 actions. Even with max xtals I haven't gotten close to that number before.
It's easier to find the rate of drops. For example on op you said origins dropped 72 fangs from137 hits, so the rate is 72/137, or .53 fangs per hit. That means it takes about two hits to get one fang on origins, which is easier to see if you reverse that fraction and divide 137 hits by 72 fangs (and get 1.9 actions as your answer) So, using numbers from your post, Origins: .53 fangs per hit NML: .48 fangs per hit Destroyer: .4 fangs per hit Haunt: .32 fangs per hit City of the Dead: .48 fangs per hit Desert sting: .9 fangs per hit Glacial Squall: .477 fangs per hit Desert Sting has the highest drop rate with ALMOST one while fang per hit! Most of them still take approximately 2 actions to get one fang, but destroyer takes 2 and a half while a regular haunt takes 3.1 hits. So desert sting is best while haunts are worse. Obviously escape is awesome I didn't even look at that one. Math nerds please correct me if I'm wrong ^.^
Yeah, so at .732 TSG is better than origins but not quite as much as desert sting. *Side note, because someone is going to ask , rates should be the same no matter what numbers you use. Even if you only do 100 actions on TSG you should get the same drop rate, but exact number of fangs would be off by one or two because actions are not worth EXACTLY one fang or half of a fang, And KaW won't give you .732 fangs. That's for anyone trying to predict how many fangs they will get for a certain number of unloads.*
Maybe, but as I'm not changing my build for this thing ill just go with what we've got so far XD It might be true that spy or attack has a higher drop rate, (though i dont think so) but if it did I'm guessing it would be directly proportional. In other words, if (hypothetically) origins has a drop rate of .5 for attk and .6 for spy, then all drop rates should have about .1 difference in favor of spies. No eb would have an increase of .7 for spies and none of them would be lower for spies. Even if one of attk or spy is higher than the other, it would not be a dramatic difference. Spies won't get you 3x as many fangs per hit as troops. So in general, drop rates should be about the same for everyone, regardless of build. Calculations may be off a tad but only by a few fangs give or take.
Depends largely on amount of hits too, for example 350 hits on TGL will get about 450-500 fangs (not including pots) and 650 hits will only get you about 650-700 fangs, so there is a sweet spot
Interesting so the drop rate may decrease slightly as you get more hits? Maybe to limit the number of fangs you can get. Still it's not a huge difference, it just means drop rates are only constant for so many hits. I guess in the end more hits still equals more fangs. 650 hits still gets you about 650 fangs, which is 200 more than 450 for 350 actions. See this proves more is always better lol! That's how I rationalize the amount of chocolate I eat
Dont believe in the sonic storm story. Unknown has made this joke more than once now. All with androids can check drop rates by looking at epic history. Only 1 clan had done ss recently and the drop rate was bad.
Er did an revenge og warbeast an hour earlier where horn holder did 16 action and got 96 fangs. Dont know what made the difference. Maybe cause first was from drop and other was nob bought. Or maybe random or difference in build.
This is correct, however you are not taking in to account the time needed to complete. I think Fangs per hour is more of the information that people need than fangs per hit. For example, if you can get .32 fangs per hit from Haunt and you manage to get off 100 hits in an hour for a total of approx. 96 fangs/hr. That is better than say DS getting .6 fangs per hit when it takes you 8 hours to complete. (looking at top player of top clan of DS I see the rate is about .36-.58 fangs/hit) Even if you were able to get off 500 hits and pull 300 fangs from an 8 hour DS, that is still only 37.5 fangs per hour which is almost 1/3 as haunt. Even taking in to account the 45 min. wait period between 3 ebs, the haunt drop would be better (54.9 > 37.5). My suggestion is to stop telling everyone how many fangs per action you are getting and post how many fangs per hour you are getting. Just my opinion.
Well you're assuming everyone gets the same amount of hits per hour. Maybe its better if you call it the amount of fangs per regen. because a full regen takes basically one hour. But then I'm assuming one full unload is the same amount of actions for everyone, and that doesn't take xtals into account, or people who skim. Or are stupid so if 100 actions per hour does not apply to everyone then that won't work. Eb length isn't that important because every clan takes their own amount of time to complete each epic right? Some take eight hours on DS and some take much less. But if my clan runs DS b2b ill still unload the same amount of times as I would if we did any other epic, or as if we take one hour versus 5. In the end, same amount of actions per regen so eb length is not consistent for each clan and doesn't affect rates. I think. Oh well in the end it still depends on number of actions taken and honestly the rates are not that far apart. It doesn't make a huge difference. Except maybe in the case of DS and haunts. And at .32 per hit wont haunts drop 32 fangs per 100 hits? .32x 100 is 32?