★Ally Trading Center★

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iTom, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. My ally
    Inactive for now she will be back later on
    Idk how long she's been inactive so plz hire away I could use. Little money since I just came back to kaw
  2. Selling my allies - need to build upgrades!

    Abednego 185b
    -Spiderman- 152b
    Canadians 84b
    zaknafe 76b
    Babe220 69b
    c2comm 66b
    Lord_Bangum 63b
  3. Hybrids and Hansels for sale

    35b - 55b

    All from the first 3 pages of their respective price points.
  4. Username: Mr_Bean
    Value: 108,249,328,973

    Attack: 81,600 DEF: 74,400
    Spy Attack/DEF: 512,500

    Activity: Usually 150+ per eb making over 3bil
  5. All my allies are for sale
  6. My only ally, 120bil extremely active
  7. 113b very active in my clan
    2.8 mil cs stats!!!
  8. I'm looking for an active 150Bil ally! I will check so please dont post if not active! Yes I'm an alt and before you say "post in wc" an 7.5mil cs hansel posting "Looking for a 150bil ally" is asking to be farmed with a 150bil out in wc :lol:
  9. Name: AlosysiusAw
    Price: 17.89B
    Attack: 79K
    Defense: 52.8K
    Spy Attack: 67.5K
    Spy Defense: 67.5K
    Clan:The stories

    Name: SkySevenJr
    Price: 23.8B
    Attack: 124.5K
    Defense: 124.5 K
    Spy Attack: 0
    Spy Defense: 0
    Clan: the stories
  10. All my allies are active please hire you can check them out
  11. 273 bil and 350 bil allies for sale, very active! Check eb history's
  12. 30 mil ally for sale
  13. Don't just post the price.

    As OP says, give all the infomation.
  14. Why not make a list of ally traders and the price ranges they stock. If anyone makes the list add me and 15-20bill. Ty.
  15. Hi guys, trying to get involved in this game but struggling, any chance of a volley please? Ashleyc
  16. Active 42 bil ally . Talks to you n stuff. Pretty weird but active
  17. But he's 200k cs barely.... For 40b
  18. 4 allies (among others for sale)
    All of them are 248B allies and active!

    KingRedman-1 // 4.96M Cs
    THEJRC // 5.06M Cs
    Kwninja // 5.3M Cs
    xx-TT_Treble_TT-xx // 5.0M Cs

    Also have plenty others between 60B and 113B, all for sale.