★Ally Trading Center★

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iTom, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Nega_Paladinknight

    Attack - 103,680
    Defense - 69,120
    Spy Attack - 745,680
    Spy Defense - 745,680


    I make sure you get the best bang for you buck
  2. Chris, I'd consider buying that ally just for the name.

    Maybe I could get Maliwan, Hyperion, Jakobs, Vladof, and Bandit... Get myself a Borderlands 2 weapon manufacturer set.
  3. Tex: That's damn awesome, lmao. First time that I hear the word/name "borderlands" since I quit playing the first one.
  4. Oh, and I forgot Torgue.

    But that's not an issue now, half of those names aren't taken.
  5. MrShah
    80,000 Attack
    70,000 Defense
    175,000 Spy Attack
    175,000 Spy Defense
    26 Billion
  6. I got some cheap active allies 3-6b thanks :)
  7. LostBandit, that ally is overpriced, and doesn't look very active.
  8. selling rubbersox 67 bil 1mil atk 800 def and 240 spy stats combined, pls hire 
  9. Plzz if Possible Hire my 2 allies.
    1) lillilLizlilLizlilil 50.2 Bill.

    2) _OnePiece_ around 8Bill.

    Thx 2 all of U.
  10. _OnePiece_ around 80 Bill.
  11. 1) Katie 19 bil active(somewhat)
  12. _1st-bikinibottom-coy_
    600 bil
    Super active
    Super feisty
    Great stats.
  13. Hire my ally xxxmach1xxx...very active.. Check clan history
  14. 3 Active Allies for Sale - 2.08 Billion

    Onuraga - att 21925, def 20425, spy 900, spy def 900

    Festus224 - att 19520, def 26145, spy 900, spy def 2250

    Debats - att 25520, def 26220, spy 900, spy def 2475
  15. 3 Active Allies for Sale - 2.184 Billion

    samloh - att 23520, def 28345, spy 900, def 2250

    Chiisaifury - att 26740, def 36490, spy 900, spy def 2250

    Ablaze95 - att 26670, def 30745, spy 900, spy def 2250
  16. Azrelith. 150bil
    600k att
    600k def
    1mil spy att
    1mil spy def

    Activity varies (with work and all), but a good ally nonetheless.

    Happy buying :)
    Also, I will be restocking with 50bil allies once he is bought, if anyone is interested. 
  17. RR_Mason 61b

    1.3mil atk
    1mil def
    150k spy cs
  18. Lyons42

    363 k
    391 k
    27 k
    27 k

    Inactive, hire away