★Ally Trading Center★

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iTom, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. 17 bil pure spy 400k cs. Inactive though 
  2. iii_bestman_iii
    40k attack
    40k def
    1.05M spy attack
    1.05M spy def
    Just went clanless
    Active i think
  3. Hire my allies, all active except 1 and are growing very quickly. Anywhere from 13 bil to around 60 bil :)
  4. Cappy53 - 111b
    2m atk
    1.3m def
    275k spy atk/def.

    Active in clan.
  5. Wasn't "Kidney" op of this thread?
  6. Name: jcool
    Price: 253,637,114,401
    Attack: 3,014,184
    Defense: 2,763,924
    Spy Attack: 494,720
    Spy Defense: 494,720
    Clan:zerg sicarius
    is active needing to upgrade please buy
  7. 800k atk 52bil
  8. I got 2 allies

    Both are very active as you can see in clan history and they have pretty good stats

  9. All active, 12-37 bil. Good stats 
  10. All mine are active with good stats. 100 - 140 bill. Feel free to hire them
  11. gnailnaik worth 76b active n good stats. Check him out :)
  12. Interesting, didn't know its possible to have more spy attack than defense. Op knows what he's talking about
  13. I just noticed that... @TROLL
  14. ᎪᏝᏝᎩ ᎦᎪᏝᎬAll active and growing! ᎪᏝᏝᎩ ᎦᎪᏝᎬ12-37 bil, great buys!
  15. Basilisk for sale 69bil !
  16. Basilisk overpriced and grows waaaaay too slow.
  17. That's why I'm selling him...
  18. got 2 allies to sell!

    -89bil, fair price but very active (check his clan eb history)! buy lands daily

    -28.5bil, very underpriced and very active too!

    thx 