★Ally Trading Center★

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iTom, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Please hire Dictatorangelo.
    Not active
    Stats not bad
    34 Billion
  2. I am for sale 93B very active 1.15M attack 1.06 def spy atk/def 180k
  3. Hire Johnny
    Att 7.1 mil
    Def 7.1 mil
    Spy att 751k
    Spy def 751k
    Price 960 bil
    Very active in ac and on all the time, I just need to upgrade
  4. ThatsWhatsUpDawg 5 mil CS 225 bil Sniper 4.25 mil CS 125 bil
  5. LLL_Theultimatejay_LLL. 30 bil overpriced hansel

    200k cb spy stats. My alt (definitely active :p )

    Probably will take awhile to grow
  6. im 22b and have 400k combind spy
  7. Looking for upgrades hire away my allies ;)
  8. Check my allies out.
    40B allies mostly with 2M CS very much worth hiring and are active enough not to get reset by the devs.
  9. Username : -xxxHottyxxx-
    Cost: 8.6billion
    Attack stats: 217,140
    Defense stats: 217,140
    Spy attack stats: 148,500
    Spy defense stats: 148,500

    Hire away, very cheap and good stats :lol:
  10. My only ally
    Name: llllllll__School_Bus__llllllll
    Attack: 1,896,972
    Defence: 1,896,972
    Spy attack: 321,300
    Spy defence: 321,300

    He's currently doing B2B Sub 1 Hour Haunts are the top 5 LB clan xXx_War-Rebels_xXx and is converting one guild to a level 3 Coe in his lowlands daily (on average). Once his lowlands are L3COE complete (still 5 to convert) he will buy new lands in the highlands and place volaries on them.
  11. Hey looking for a 13bill ally.
  12. 3 allies for sale - all active

    10-48 bil with pretty good stats for price. Good buys! :)
  13. Thanks swag king :)
  14. I'm a 3.2 mill combined stats hansel extremely active under 100 bill
  15. Buy " Mopie- " he's 161B for 3.7M in CS,

    I need the $$$ for upgrades
  16. has anyone got their ally sold through this thread ?? 
  17. NO
    But I want to. 100b in allies 80b guy named cryptiic I've said it before good. Active and in my clan. Also like 20b in allies I used to transfer money to alt do yea
    Buy them up please
  18. A few have sold since posting on this thread, although im unsure if its by this thread or because theyre good. :?
  19. why would u bump something from friday?!