★Ally Trading Center★

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iTom, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. So now that T5 is out we can start this thread up in the most appropriate manner: the remake. Just sell allies you think are good by doing this:

    Spy Attack:
    Spy Defense:
    and other additional information :)

    Thanks and enjoy the trading!
  2. Colds Ally Shop
    Get them while they're hot

    -VinnyB-: 204bil....6.4mil stats (bal)
    1-justin-1: 176bil....5.98mil stats (att)
    Skeptizk: 125bil...4.595mil stats (att)
    NoobanatorXI: 93bil....3.67mil stats (bal)
  3. Allies for sale about 36bill will hire yours for a trade
  4. All allies for sale, all active 250 bil worth, activity is guaranteed, must sell to fund my stripping pls buy now they will sell quick
  5. Please check them out there good 
  6. 5 allies 15-30b, all ~1m stats and active
  7. Nervere is afraid that he'll get stripped? Wonder why .

    We, I suppose my allies are for sale too. I just need to get rid of them so I can war as a purespy.
  8. I have many allies between 20-60 bil all of whom have great stats. Take a peek yourself!
  9. My allies range from 600m-62b, happy buying!
  10. Any of my allies are able to be bought, none active in ally chat atleast.. But range price of 1 bill to 4 bill
  12. ThatsWhatsUpDawg 4.7mil CS 225bil Sniper 4mil CS 125bil
  13. Colds Ally Shop
    Get them while they're hot

    -VinnyB-: 204bil....6.4mil stats (bal)
    1-justin-1: 176bil....5.98mil stats (att)
    Skeptizk: 125bil...4.595mil stats (att)
    NoobanatorXI: 93bil....3.67mil stats (bal)
  14. I have allies in the 200M to 7B price range. All underpriced for their stats. All are for sale at all times. I'll buy more...
  15. 17 billion
    Super Active
    I'm not going to add up the stats,I'm to lazy
    Clan:(why should I care)
  16. Hire all my allies rageman96 or someshit starting at low billions to 192billion
  17. Hire my allies all active
  18. 52bil allie art 240 for sale active check clan eb history for confirmation need to get to 12 highland on 8 1.8m cs genuine sale
  19. Hire my allies up!
  20. 3 allies ranging from 45b-177b
    45b ally: 2.1m combined stat hitter
    168b ally: 4m combined stat hansel
    177b ally: 6m combined stat hitter
    all active and all growing, check my wall for proof of activity