★♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛★

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Come_Inside, Jan 5, 2013.

  2. Put " on both side of person's name. Thats what you were missing other wise it would have worked.
  4. they should let us use these for wc cc and pc
  5. No wc would be flooded with huge ads lol
  6. See if this works<a href="http://s1327.photobucket.com/user/fyros86/media/7fe8138b79d9b6733e3922e4492551c4_zps2852f4b2.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1327.photobucket.com/albums/u666/fyros86/7fe8138b79d9b6733e3922e4492551c4_zps2852f4b2.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 7fe8138b79d9b6733e3922e4492551c4_zps2852f4b2.jpg"/></a>
  7. Test Test
  8. D: im confused
  9. Here's one that will be awesome
    by Dont click this
    on Fri April 1 1492 22:47
    How legit does this look?