★♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛★

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Come_Inside, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. it workd! lmao
  2. :lol:  that better work
  4. [quote="zeus1989] BOOM [/quote]
  6. thank god for that lmao
  7. silly mistakes lol
  8. how do you change like the date yo posted and the color of your name when u post?
    • 1.why I am awesome.
      2. I have death in my name
      3. I have lord in my name
      4. Errrrr, that's it :lol:
    • why I am awesome.
      1. I have death in my name
      2. I have lord in my name
      3. Errrrrr that's it :lol:
  9. You also have 123, which shows you can count.
  10. Test, I wonder if I can do this myself lol



    I made this one I wish I works