EB Equipment: Reckoning: Hooves of Destruction(700k attack) Origins: Hystracidae Helmet (270k spy) No Mans Land: Leonine Arm Plate (3m atk) Destroyer: Armor of Eternal Fire (5% s) No Quarter: Realm Breastplate (5m def) City of the Dead: Ice Guardian's Shield (5% def) Figure of Death: Abyssal Blade (10% atk/s atk) OR Diamondiferous (5.5m atk/2.1m s atk) Talons of Carnage: Silica Ring of silence (675k spy) or Quicksilver plates (5m atk/def) New Growth: Searing Sickle (1.4m atk) Scionic Storm: Torrent Talisman (5m def/675k sdef) Sporavek's Revenge: Iron Guantlets (2m atk/1.2m satk) The Barren Orchard:Gold plated Greaves (12m def/sde)f and Steadfast Sollerets (700k atk/1.4m def/1m sdef) Terrain Trevails: Viridescent shield (1m spy) OR Aurete Bracer (8m spy) Crossing the Threshold: Stalwart Helm (2m def/470k s def) Cave of Riches: Vermeil Breastplate (2.8m def/1.8m sdef) The Gilded Lord: Enchanted Snare ring (200k atk/def) OR Crown of Virtue (1m def/3.5m) def OR Electric Storm Bow (15m atk/7.5m satk)