RULES OF CONDUCT Use of our forums constitutes acceptance and agreement to our Rules of Conduct (RoC) and Forum User Agreement. If you violate our Rules of Conduct, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, we reserve the right to terminate all accounts belonging to you without prior notice. We prefer to advise users of inappropriate behavior, however, flagrant and repeated violations of our RoC will result in an immediate ban. Our failure to enforce this policy, for whatever reason, shall not be construed as a waiver of our right to do so at any time. Forum Etiquette We created the Rules of Conduct to provide a basic understanding of what's allowed and not allowed in our forums. The following are the rules of conduct and forum etiquette that every player needs to abide by. The following is to be taken into consideration whenever posting: Ensure a friendly atmosphere for all players and members who participate in our forums. Ensure the privacy of our players Encourage responsible use of our forums and discourage activities which disrupt our community and reduce the effectiveness of our forums for our players Encourage the freedom of expression and exchange of information in a mature and responsible manner Right to Freedom of Speech We believe in the right to free speech and are committed to ensuring that every player has the privilege of exercising that right. However along with what is contained in our Privacy Policy. Should we feel that the content is damaging to our products and the services we provide. We do reserve the right to remove any content at our own discretion. Our Rules of Conduct is meant to be all encompassing and it is important that although we may not specifically state always what is not allowed. Any user generated content we feel that is not suitable for our forums that does not meet our criteria for what is allowable. We may choose to take action in the following forms: Delete/Edit your post(s)/thread(s) Ban you from the forums for a length of time that we feel suitable Permanently ban you from the forums Remove your ability to speak in game temporarily or indefinitely Removal of speakers Permanently ban you from the game Ad Hominem Ad Hominem, personal attacks towards any of our staff, players (this includes moderators.) As well as any player who exists in communities outside of the one you are in but is still falls within the ATA realm. Risks the post(s)/thread(s) being deleted and action taken against the user, regardless of how pertinent or thoughtful the rest of the message might be. Personal Information We respect the privacy of all of our players and as such disclosing personal information about yourself or others is not allowed. You may not post any form of personal identifiable information of any user and yourself. Examples of real life information include name, age, address, email address and phone numbers. Posting pictures of yourself is allowable however you do so at your own discretion and understand the risks involved. You also cannot post any information about anyone that is fallacious, humiliating and demeaning in an attempt to provoke an individual. As such any information described can be requested for removal by that individual should they feel that their privacy has been violated. Restricted Forum Behavior In order to maintain a healthy forum that all of our players can appreciate. The following activities are prohibited and listed below is what we deem not suitable and not allowed in our forums. Excessive off-topic threads Posting nonsensical messages “Flooding” the forum with similar meaning messages Post-Count farming Inciting a forum war or riot Messages without content Fraudulent activity (Pyramid schemes, chain letters, etc.) etc. Free-____ links (i.e. Free iPods, Free PSP, etc. etc.) Advertising of brands, products or services that does not fall under the ATA realm.realm Pirated Materials, Cracks, Multiplayer Hacks, Keys, and Key-Generators In regards to maintaining and promoting healthy discussions all statements made with the intention to aggravate another individual is not allowed. If the thread owner asks you to leave their thread due to excessive spam, profanity or inappropriate behavior, you must not continue to post. Although if the thread contains posts about you, you can respond, but this is ONLY if you leave willingly. If you are kicked off the thread by a moderator because you refuse to adhere to the forum rules, you cannot continue posting on the thread no matter what. If you want to bash a clan or a person, create a thread for it or use your own clan's thread. You may not bait/troll users. Bait /Trolling is defined as posting with a clear intent to provoke anger, incendiary posts, and behavior that results in other users violating the Rules of Conduct. You may not bait, insult, flame, or otherwise abuse a staff member and moderators. If you have an issue with any staff member or moderator all communication needs to be done and reported to our support department.t Content You Post The following content and behavior displayed is not allowed in any section of our forums and is strictly forbidden. is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, torturous, vulgar, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise offensive or discriminatory is obscene, ****, excessively violent or harmful to minors or depicts minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct or in a sexually explicit manner is illegal is tortuous, defamatory, libelous or invasive of another's privacy or publicity rights infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary or intellectual property rights of any party you do not have a right to make available under law or contractual or fiduciary relationships includes copyrighted materials for which you do not possess appropriate rights to so display, perform or otherwise make available bears any false, disguised or misleading origin contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to destroy, interrupt or otherwise limit the functionality of any computer software, computer hardware or other equipment. In respect to the following categories we have described in Content you Post greater clarification is needed. Harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, torturous, vulgar, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise offensive or discriminatory You may not use terms or audio/visual materials referring to ethnic/national origin, ideological/religious beliefs, gender, or sexual preference in a demeaning context. We have no tolerance for discrimination. You are in violation of this rule if the nature of your post discriminates, promotes hate, promotes violence or advocates hatred or discrimination against individuals, groups, races, cultures or organizations because of their ethnic/national origin, skin color or culture. If you use any terms in an offensive context against a person, race, culture, group or organization, as determined by our moderators, you are in violation of this rule. Please note that words carry different meanings in different cultures, and that while a word may be acceptable use in one part of the world, it may not be in another. In addition, any one can invent their own derogatory terms, unfortunately. Because of those factors, we will evaluate the context in which the term was used to determine whether a violation has occurred. We do maintain the right to modify our word censorship list at any time should we feel that the language used is harmful towards our target audience. You may not use profanity or bypass the software-based censor. In addition to words included in the censor list, sexual remarks and slang may be considered profane when used in certain contexts. Obscene, ****, excessively violent or harmful to minors or depicts minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct or in a sexually explicit manner You may not post or link to **** or sexually offensive materials. If you are unsure whether what you wish to post may be in violation of this rule, please consult a moderator first before posting. You may not post or link to shock sites, or any such excessively obscene material. If you are unsure whether what you wish to post may be in violation of this rule, please consult a moderator first before posting. Blatant violations of this rule will result in a permanent ban on your account. Illegal Use You may not use our forums for illegal purposes, in support of illegal activities, or encourage conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, as determined by the laws of the United States of America and the State of California. Such activities will guarantee a ban. We reserve the right to cooperate with legal authorities and/or injured third parties in the investigation of any suspected crime or civil wrongdoing. Bears any false, disguised or misleading origin Attempting to impersonate any person, including staff, using similar usernames or use of BB codes to simulate the appearance in an effort to deceive or mislead is prohibited. Falsely accusing players of cheating and creating fake screenshots as proof. This is harmful to the reputations of the legitimate players involved and places an unnecessary burden on our time. Because of this, If you are falsely accusing a player of fraud in order to damage their reputation you will be banned. Fallacious statements in an effort to mislead and deceive players and/or statements that are defamatory, libelous or invasive of another's privacy or publicity rights is strictly forbidden. Official Language English is the official language of our forums because it is the common language between our moderators and users. Because we can not moderate conversations in a foreign language, you may not hold a conversation in the forums in language other than English. Moderation & Bans You may not publicly complain about or demand a reason for another user's ban, the deletion of a message, or the deletion/closure of a thread. Any discussion about warnings, bans, message deletion, thread deletion and thread closure should be done over private email between the person concerned and the our support staff. You may not re-edit a message that has been edited by a member of our support staff. You may not post a message on behalf of a banned forumer. ACCEPTANCE All messages, information, digital files or other materials, whether publicly posted, displayed or performed on, or privately transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person who sends or publishes such items. Accordingly, you are responsible for all items that you upload, post, cause a display or performance of, email, transmit or otherwise make available via Kingdoms at War. A Thinking Ape reserves the right to, but has no obligation to, monitor or screen the content posted and/or displayed or performed in Kingdoms at War and to remove any content in its sole discretion. Nevertheless, YOU REMAIN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT OF THE MATERIALS YOU POST, CAUSE TO BE DISPLAYED OR PERFORMED IN ANY AREAS OF KINGDOMS AT WAR AND THAT YOU TRANSMIT IN ANY OF YOUR COMMUNICATIONS THAT USE KINGDOMS AT WAR AND THE SERVICES PROVIDED THEREBY. Use of Kingdoms at War and the services offered thereby is subject to your compliance with the Rules of Conduct, which constitutes a legal agreement between you and A Thinking Ape. Each time you use Kingdoms at War and the services offered thereby you signify that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Terms of Use, which incorporates the Privacy Policy, and the applicable posted guidelines. USE OF KINGDOMS AT WAR AND THE SERVICES OFFERED THEREBY SIGNIFIES THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF USE AND THE PRIVACY POLICY. If you do not agree with the terms of either of these ***, please do not provide A Thinking Ape with any information and do not use Kingdoms at War and the services offered thereby. Your continued use of Kingdoms at War and the services offered thereby in light of changes to this privacy policy, the Terms of Use, or to the relevant principles thereof will signify your acceptance of the changes.
Advice You can follow this link to serpent's guide on making a successful clan thread: READ BEFORE you make a clan thread That is a link to a comprehensive guide made by serpent that covers nearly every topic involved in creating a clan ad! Topics covered include: What information to include in your thread(player stat minimums, clan history, rules, etc.) Tips on what you should and should not do when making a clan thread How to make your thread more appealing to viewers Plus, it gives a great example of what a decent looking clan ad looks like Remember, a good looking clan thread that appeals to it's audience can help you recruit more members to help out your clan! Also Recommended: Succeful Clan guide ★♛EASY BB CODE Guide♛★ /end rant
*Advice* You can follow this link to serpent's guide on making a successful clan thread: READ BEFORE you make a clan thread That is a link to a comprehensive guide made by serpent that covers nearly every topic involved in creating a clan ad! Topics covered include: What information to include in your thread(player stat minimums, clan history, rules, etc.) Tips on what you should and should not do when making a clan thread How to make your thread more appealing to viewers Plus, it gives a great example of what a decent looking clan ad looks like Remember, a good looking clan thread can help you out more than you think. With the increased effort to appeal to the audience you can have a better chance of recruiting members to help your cla! Also Recommended: Succeful Clan guide ★♛EASY BB CODE Guide♛★ /end rant