Advice: You can follow this link to serpent's guide on making a successful clan thread: Link to serpent's Thread It covers nearly every topic involved in creating a clan ad from what information to include in a thread to how you can make your thread look more appealing to viewers' eyes. Also Recommended: Succeful Clan guide ★♛EASY BB CODE Guide♛★ /end rant
R U T H L E S S A long time ago, on the Isle of Sporak, Four men were washed ashore after their ship sank in a storm, exhausted they fell into a deep slumber. When they awoke, they were in a cave filled with knights, the leader spoke to them and said "We have addressed your injuries and taken you in from the storm, do you want to join us or go?" "Who are you?" Asked one of the sailors. "We are a band of friends growing in numbers ,waiting. We are battle hardened warriors waiting for a moment to strike. We are..." R U T H L E S S History: -GHOST- made the clan 1/21/13 along with ___GHOST_NINJA___ in an efffort to form an alliance comprised of their old clan members as well as new ones. Even though everything didn't necessarily go as planned the clan is still in existence and ready to build it's membership. Mission: Our clan plans to recruit members to forge a strong war team. Members will be expected over time to have experience warring 1 on 1 with another opposing player and understand how to OSW. Clan members will not be taught the basics of KaW since they are expected to have that knowledge before entering the clan. Instead our warriors will learn the art of war and work together as a unit in OSW or take on individual players if needed. Clan Management: Owner: -Ghost- Admins: ___GHOST_NINJA___ (Check out clan for other current admins) Goals to Accomplish: Our primary goal is to raise a strong membership of trusted warriors. The clan will be comprised of mostly spy heavy members who are prepared to war. Membership will comprise of a wide variety of players from mercs, farmers, clan hoppers and many others. We will run Haunts between wars to help members grow and replenish gold. This is not a B2B Haunting clan and EBs are not a main priority! We plan to war on a consistent basis and expect our members to be prepared to take on the challeging tasks that will lay before them. Rules/Requirements: -No rules on clan chat but don't get too naughty -Show respect towards other members -Stats of 1 m in attk or 800 k for Hansels -No activity checks but nonactive members will kicked to allow new ones -Don't start something that you are unable to handle alone -Take any issues to -Ghost- or ___GHOST_NINJA___ Questions: Why can't I find the clan? Remember to put a single space in between each letter when searching. Like so: R U T H L E S S (capitalization not necessary) What is expected from me as a new member? While you won't be expected to be a great warrior when you first enter the clan, you will need to have a firm grasp on the basics of KaW. R U T H L E S S is not a clan for those just starting out the game with little to no knowledge on how to play. All other aspects of war will be taught by other members of the clan. Special Thanks: -Ghost- ___GHOST_NINJA___ lIlIlI_BlackHandXTREME_lIlIlI (Original author of the intro) Side Note: Please do not try to click on my profile as a link to the clan. I did this as a favor to the clan and search their name in clan search to find them. I'll also edit this thread later on as needed. Thank you for your taking the time to read this clan advertisement!