★♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛★

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Come_Inside, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Revival of palace of hades

    palace of hades

    Palace of hades is a fairly new clan given to me by raven-reaper-of-life. Our goal is to finish the eb __ and below. After that we will become a ee war clan. I have noticed our cc inactivity and our warbeasts failing. That's where you come in. We need a recruiter to help us become what we want to be. I'll take in one, I'll take in a thousand. What you gain from this is head recruiter or co-owner.
  2. test


  3. [text=200] test [/text]
  4. I see what I did there o_O

  5. Nice clan ad Kaw-Leader but in the wrong thread, put it in Clans and Alliances hope all this coding works.
  6. [size=200.5] wonder if it goes this big o_O [/size]
    • 1.testing 2testing
  7. forgot enters again facepalm