Re: ♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛ Because dilly is I/A and that means he cant answer questions that can. So its sticky.
Re: ♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛ Bold Code: [b]Bold[/b] Italics Code: [i]Italics[/i] Underline Code: [u]underline[/u] Code: [quote]Quote[/quote] Code: [quote="Person Name]Text text text[/quote] Code: [img]url goes here[/img] Code: [url]url goes here[/url] Tiny Code: [size=50]Text[/size] Small Code: [size=85]Text[/size] Normal Code: Just type, its the normal size. Large Code: [size=150]Text[/size] Huge Code: [size=200]Text[/size] Red Code: [color=red]Red[/color] Fiddler's Purple Code: [color=#9932cc]Fiddler's Purple[/color] *Colors used with HTML color codes need a # and then the HTML code. These are much easier to use than writing a color. *Dull Rainbow Text Generator Example *Bright Rainbow Text Generator Example smiley smiley smiley blah Panda if you like this layout better read your PM.
Re: ♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛ color=#CC0000]I[/color]'m crazy it's in the name! You can't change that it will stay like that forever. I sometimes roll around in the dirt and pretend I'm a potatoe... Crazy. CRAZY! Ca-ca-CRAZZZY!
Re: ♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛ He also has a question thread where he can't answer questions due to his inactivity. People in the KaWmunity can answer questions also. /logic
Re: ♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛ Wonderful for that thread... Great logic to prove a lovely point . Lol nice job quoting BTW.
Re: ♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛ Isis to test a code I saw won a different thread, I believe it's just a color one Also, I see you got your sticky Panda
Re: ♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛ strange color.. Making don't bigger so I can distinguish what it looks like more
Re: ♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛ Could anyone help me determine the brightest letter in this generator please.. I want to use the code for the brightest letter to make my replies more interesting Made the size a little bigger so it'd be easier
Re: ♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛ I believe this was the code for the brightest color, lets see how this looks.. I'm pretty sure it's just cyan, maybe it's a little brighter. This sentence is only here to compare to the other one, i doubt it's different but I did use 2 different versions of the code if its the same shade and all.