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The Great Hall In a deep deep mansion stood an Great Hall. After the Kinghts of Malta closed we became Bloodmercs. Then Bloodknight closed Bloodmercs and we got locked out as we stacked up waiting for our home to reopen. The Shelter was dark and gloomy as we built as we waited at the door. A hall made of oak cuttings, showed great warriors ready to fight! For those who waited at the Gates. As we stand now, we wont back down what ever happens, you know why? Because we are Knight loyalty to out clan and family this is how It grew to be The Great Hall . Founder: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH Owner: iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii Council: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii ColdBloodedKillaNo1 Novody (The best Admin) Operator1911 -Dievexed- RULES nobody likes rules but be a fair sport SEAL=7 DAYS PASS SEAL USER GETS 100% ITEMS
The Great Hall In a deep deep mansion stood an Great Hall. After the Kinghts of Malta closed we became Bloodmercs. Then Bloodknight closed Bloodmercs and we got locked out as we stacked up waiting for our home to reopen. The Shelter was dark and gloomy as we built as we waited at the door. A hall made of oak cuttings, showed great warriors ready to fight! For those who waited at the Gates. As we stand now, we wont back down what ever happens, you know why? Because we are Knight loyalty to out clan and family this is how It grew to be The Great Hall . Founder: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH Owner: iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii Council: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii ColdBloodedKillaNo1 Novody (The best Admin) Operator1911 -Dievexed- RULES nobody likes rules but be a fair sport SEAL=7 DAYS PASS SEAL USER GETS 100% ITEMS
Please work The Great Hall In a deep deep mansion stood an Great Hall. After the Kinghts of Malta closed we became Bloodmercs. Then Bloodknight closed Bloodmercs and we got locked out as we stacked up waiting for our home to reopen. The Shelter was dark and gloomy as we built as we waited at the door. A hall made of oak cuttings, showed great warriors ready to fight! For those who waited at the Gates. As we stand now, we wont back down what ever happens, you know why? Because we are Knight loyalty to out clan and family this is how It grew to be The Great Hall . Founder: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH Owner: iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii Council: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii ColdBloodedKillaNo1 Novody (The best Admin) Operator1911 -Dievexed- RULES nobody likes rules but be a fair sport SEAL=7 DAYS PASS SEAL USER GETS 100% ITEMS
The Great Hall In a deep deep mansion stood an Great Hall. After the Kinghts of Malta closed we became Bloodmercs. Then Bloodknight closed Bloodmercs and we got locked out as we stacked up waiting for our home to reopen. The Shelter was dark and gloomy as we built as we waited at the door. A hall made of oak cuttings, showed great warriors ready to fight! For those who waited at the Gates. As we stand now, we wont back down what ever happens, you know why? Because we are Knight loyalty to out clan and family this is how It grew to be The Great Hall . Founder: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH Owner: iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii Council: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii ColdBloodedKillaNo1 Novody (The best Admin) Operator1911 -Dievexed- RULES nobody likes rules but be a fair sport SEAL=7 DAYS PASS SEAL USER GETS 100% ITEMS
The Great Hall In a deep deep mansion stood an Great Hall. After the Kinghts of Malta closed we became Bloodmercs. Then Bloodknight closed Bloodmercs and we got locked out as we stacked up waiting for our home to reopen. The Shelter was dark and gloomy as we built as we waited at the door. A hall made of oak cuttings, showed great warriors ready to fight! For those who waited at the Gates. As we stand now, we wont back down what ever happens, you know why? Because we are Knight loyalty to out clan and family this is how It grew to be The Great Hall . Founder: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH Owner: iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii Council: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii ColdBloodedKillaNo1 Novody (The best Admin) Operator1911 -Dievexed-
The Great Hall In a deep deep mansion stood an Great Hall. After the Kinghts of Malta closed we became Bloodmercs. Then Bloodknight closed Bloodmercs and we got locked out as we stacked up waiting for our home to reopen. The Shelter was dark and gloomy as we built as we waited at the door. A hall made of oak cuttings, showed great warriors ready to fight! For those who waited at the Gates. As we stand now, we wont back down what ever happens, you know why? Because we are Knight loyalty to out clan and family this is how It grew to be The Great Hall . Founder: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH Owner: iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii Council: TGH-Sweetleaf-TGH iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii ColdBloodedKillaNo1 Novody (The best Admin) Operator1911 -Dievexed- RULES nobody likes rules but be a fair sport SEAL=7 DAYS PASS SEAL USER GETS 100% ITEMS and MAX XTAL ONLY ADMINS CAN CALL OPEN XSTAL/FFA 1SEAL=1ACCOUNT HORNS USED AT SUB CLAN "THE EAST WING AS THERE SEALS COME HERE READ CA BEFORE HITTING ITEMS Looking for perms contact iI-TM-AsSaSsIn-TM-Ii for interview So yeah sorry for any BBcode failures