★♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛★

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Come_Inside, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. [Color=A100FF] test [/color]
  2. [Color=#A100GA] sexy Test [/color]
  3. Smexy test
  4. hope this the color im looking for
  6. [Color=#F1A2O3] @@@### test [/color]
  7. [deepskyblue=color] lets try this one *crosses fingers*[/color
  8. [deepskyblue=color] lets try this one *crosses, sorry bout that lolfingers*[/color]
  9. [deepskyblue=color] lets try this one *crosses fingers, sorry bout that lol*[/color]
  10. Should be Color=deepskyblue notice capital c... no capital c on the [/color
  11. test[color]