★♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛★

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Come_Inside, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. The slash goes this way bud /
  2. [colour=lime] BZRK [/color]
  3. Bold italic and size !!!
  4. Why is color like that color isn't spelt like that
  5. They using american english not Queens english.
  6. In America, color is spelled like this. The makers of the forums are from America I believe.
  7. [size=200 BZRK [/b] [/size]
  8. You forgot the ] lol
  9. Oh was wondering why thought I was a wee stupid boy and have been spelling colour wrong all my life lol
  10. Soo close !
  11. YESSSS I put bold italic size ad colour !!!!
  12. Lol hyper! N the makers of forums are canadian.
  13. Sorry i meant of game. IDK bout forums. Ill find that out.
  14. I'm assuming there American because of the spelling. And ATA is originally from San Francisco, California.