★♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛★

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Come_Inside, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. hey [color]
  2. And i fail life

  4. Flaming frick i give up
  5. Dont give up if u need help follow me
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------
  7. -----------------------------------------------------------

  8. Team South America also break one thread per team policy, BLK fixes issue soon after.
    BLK hands leadership of Team South America to Rusted_Knight_Of_Serenity and is made co leader.
  9. Continent Wars Recap

    For Nikki

    Ladies and gentlemen, today I present to you.
    The Continent Wars recap.

    These events were recorded by yours truly and include first hand accounts from other members and leaders of different teams. Their names will be present in the special thanks list.

    There will also be a color code system to remove any confusion. The key is as follows:
    Team Europe - Orange
    Team North America - Purple
    Team Asia - Red
    Team Africa - Dark Green
    Team South America - Teal
    Team Australia -
    #TRUEBlue ;)

    Team Antarctica - Black (as it was not considered a part of the Continent wars, but is mentioned)

    In the spirit of sportsmanship, I'll keep this as unbiased as possible, however being in Team Asia, I will know more about Asia's 'background'.

    Without further ado.
  10. Grrr. . . Bad at posting gifs. :-/