★♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛★

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Come_Inside, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. computer?
  2. meh. im on my ipod mostly. and my comp is crap
  3. Olive
  4. I still don't understand how I use gifs...
  5. Praying this works
  6. Bump for a friend
  7. Test
  8. OMG IM A NERD :ugeek:

  9. This is so going to fail but let's test it out anyway. I'm to scared of how much a failure this is going to be....
  10. Looks like not many know how to quote ill show you just with added spaces to hopefully make this work. [ quote="-Fozzy-" ][ b ]Test[ /B ][ quote="-fozzy-" ][ color=Darkcyan ]Darkcyan[ /quote][ /quote] so it'll end up hopefully like

    Sorry fozzy or using you for an example... Like anyone would look at this Amy for assistance.
  11. Whoops I forgot the [ /color]