★♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛★

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Come_Inside, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. . Will this fail
  3. periwinkle
  4. :( periwinkle isnt a color
  5. ༆Beyond Forgotten༆

    Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. -Earnest Hemingway


    Who are we?

    Beyond Forgotten was created on October 22, 2013.

    Beyond Forgotten is a new aspiring war clan that puts their morals and beliefs before anything. We believe in always doing what is just and never going against that. We will not hesitate to fight anybody who threatens our members.

    In the future, we plan on having many clans in our family. Beyond Forgotten will be a strong war clan not to be messed with. We will help any clan being attacked for unjust reasons.

    Current Operations

    We are currently unlocking until TFO so we can gain interest and members. We are helping smaller players grow and prepare them for war.


    • No min CS yet, but later lower stats will be placed in a different family clan catered to their size.
    • Must be active, weekly checks will be done
    • You must be willing to learn and listen to admins.


    Owner: DaeminZ

    Co-Owner: TheRealGSD

    Admins: Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy2

    Never Forgotten


    This is the start of the Beyond family.


    Old memories <3
  6. Wait **** wrong one
  7. ༆Beyond Imagination༆


    ]Who we are
    We're group of brave, fearless and united warriors. We'll fight for whatever we think is right. You can't see us, but we are there, we're beyond your imagination. We shall fight as one and we shall die as One. We are a upcoming war clan that will deal with any crap.
    Beyond Imagination has been founded today, on 28th of January 2013 by DKiNG and JUR who had been planning on starting a clan for a long time. Not just a normal EB clan, the non-stop EB hitting gets boring. They prefered to create a war based clan.

    Clan rules
    1. Farming is allowed, but don't complain when someone farms you, we support 1v1's. When someone invokes others into it, let owners/admins know, we'll take care of it.
    2. participate in EB's and wars
    3. Be active in CC
    4. Be respectful to everyone in the clan

    Perm requirements:

    • *Must have 2M CS or more (exceptions are made)
    • *Must be loyal
    • *Must be willing to war and must be potted up anytime

    Our goals for now.
    1. Settle the clan and run B2B Haunting to grow our members strong and get stronger as a family.
    2. Becoming a stronger war clan through teaching our members and practice in system wars.
    3. Besides becoming stronger and better at warring, creating a lovely pocket family!

    Our alliances

    We're currently only allianced with the strong war clan Guerrilla.

    Interested in joining us? Do you think what you have what it takes to become a member of our close family? Then wall/PM DKiNG or JUR (you can find links through through the clan) for a a interview!
    We hope to see you soon in Beyond Imagination!
    ༆Beyond Imagination༆


    edited by EVIL_PANDA

    This one. :)
  10. m [/Color=Blue]