★♛ EASY BB CODE Guide♛★

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Come_Inside, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. This thread is just one big post count farm
  2. No it is not, i need a place to test my bb codes and i rather do it on a thread about bb codes than derail a different one
  3. Bs. But whatever helps you feel better about yourself
  4. How do I do big and color
  5. If i wanted to bring up my post count i would just go have a huge conversation on a thread but atm i needed to test how to combine bb codes and how to actually use bb codes so ty for your.consideration.to the forums but i can say i am not purposely bringing up my post count but perhaps others are, sorry if i misled you.in any way.
  6. Like this. [ size=150] [ color=?] Insert text here... [ /size] [ /color]

    Dont put the spaces inbetween the / and the [ ...
  7. Plum seashell salmon sienna

    Test [/color



    last test
  8. This is the sexy text
  9. [colour=blue]Blue[/colour]
  10. Ummm american english plz