Check out TMH's guide on ally ownership. He explains it all in there, and he even uses both BTA and BFA to explain how ally stat bonuses work. Warning: It's a long read. :lol:
I agree - it doesn't, but it's what players here have been calling it for years, so I doubt it's going to change.
I always known people to just say CS, and as stated I've never heard it before. Whatever though, I can't even read the thread cuz BTA annoys the crap outta me. Deuces.
Content: 9.5/10 I personally find this extremely helpful, though naming the pots would be a nice addition. While this relationship is common knowledge to a lot of people, I know that it does make it easier to have the potion's already taken into BFA. Makes knowing if you're gonna win easier. Appearance: 6/10 a few bbcode fails, one must admit, and the color can be hard to read at times. Still, it was well(ish) laid out, and simple to read.