Distaste in the context of "Hate" is a lil stronger than the "distaste" you are tryin to use against me ... your ignorance is stunning. Calling someone who is Loony, a Loony, IS THE TRUTH! ffs lil girl, that scared of the truth? Lookup up Abhorrence ya dimwit xD- "a feeling of repulsion, disgusted loathing" ^^ ffs Ashaya, do yourself a favor and quit showing your ignorance PLEASE!! Learn what the hell your talking about, or DON'T TALK <--- not rocket science. AND- Why did you "Completely" ignore the fact that you blatantly lied?? Are you trying to hide that now? Kinda hard, these ^^ quotes are kinda handy in catchin u in your lies e.e
Back on topic > OP props. Sands, no support. -If you have further issue Ashaya, take it up with me in private. Your embarrassing to watch.-
Wolf Please do stop de-railing this thread, it truly is amazing and deserves more respect, unlike you. No one likes you in Sands, so pretty sure they don't give a toss about what you think of them
^^ Id watch your tongue xo or did you forget how much you cried in juz a few hrs of inc . Ill happily help you remember And your arrogance is astounding! You can speak for a whole clan?? like, everyone? wooooooow
^^ Aye that- FORUM SEARCH- "A fierce opponent" by hadeswife. 1) You had nothin to do with them, your idiocy was epic. 2) You were an ass. I dont even disrespect them so and I FIGHT THEM! 3) Sands can hate me lol. My fight is against ignorance. <-- there's your sign
Are you that dumb?? I have ss of 8 b2b walls on MY ACC showing you whine how you already apologized to them lmfao!! I have what's called honor and fighter's respect. Once you thoroughly stomped and made your ammends, I had no further reason to continue. <-- We call that Integrity. Borrow some from someone if ya must
Haha jokes on you I'm friends with HadesWife, please do show SS though. Anyway, again please stop de-railing the thread
:lol: says the one starting arguments on all of one person's threads. Kinda obsessive wouldn't ya say?
Support! Wonderful thread.. Elegant design.. I even like the simple and effective ⚜️Legacy⚜️ logo placement ..