※ Guide to 1m Atk/Def ※

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Silentknight, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. My thread better 10m Cs
  2. Needs some tweaks other than that it's a pretty good guide
  3. This guide sucks, don't use it. Far better/quicker ways to grow. No way should you have forges at 25 lands and above lol
  4. I still dont understand what's the point at buy and upgrade all at once. BTW, nice try but there much better guides out there.
  5. Is "ass" even censored?
  6. No....so why did OP bypass an unfiltered word?.....
  7. the fastest way is guilds... that's fact, spy build gain money faster .... then you can convert to T4 as you want
  8. @deni don't be pedantic does it actually matter how i bypassed it? Anyway I did say it was my first guide but that's for the comments
  9. I didn't ask how?.. Did I?
    If I did, sorry. I meant why would you bypass if not needed.

    But, my apologies, KaWry on.
  10. No you didn't misread it 