This was a major fail. zaft sinks pretty low for a clan that is very strong. Op should write another thread apologizing to zaft for his/her stupidity.
Lets be honest, ZAFT doesn't suck. None of these clans suck. That right there is just noob trash talk.. Come up with something a lil better
If you don't know go crazy trying to find out I have the right to say "touché" because I remember OP telling me twice not to post in forums, "it's a gathering place for noobs". Such a shame to see a buildless kingdom wearing summer war armor .
You need to think twice before opening your mouth. You are a runner from this OSW. Don't think ZD didn't notice :roll: :lol:
@Lormaster, Lock the thread? Seriously? Take a long hard look at the state of forums. The staggering majority of war-related posts are done with statless alts. It clutters the forum with unmoderated garbage and kills its credibility on numerous levels. My opinion: when one of noobs fails at impersonating/trolling/hiding behind an alt, we should keep the thread open as long as possible so everyone can have a chance to point and laugh at their epic fail.
For all those who are not aware; this was made by a ZAFT Destiny member named Luna. Who quickly tore down her build and left the clan.
SirCozza joined ZAFT - Academy right after I left. I know because I was keeping tabs on them for a while to make sure O wasn't the next practice target. Now I don't know if he left for a while and joined another clan or not, because by then I had quit watching.