OP, in your response to the OP, blocking provides a link via Settings> blocked users> {insert name here} so he does have a link mate. Aside from that, best of luck to both parties.
Ooh. Good info Destroyer, not gonna lie, didn't know that one Useful And as for Luck, keep scout bombing me all you want, you want in on this? Let's make it messy <3
There's already a jester. Your not her, so that makes you not the real jester. A fake. Phony. Should I go on?
You are twice as big as him and he was in CA mith is meant to be use in the game so what is the problem with him using Mith? Please explain.
You should Toxic, you certainly should, as I've been iJester for quite the long time. This account may not be my original from when I started, but its the one I use nowadays. Pretty sure this lady Jesters as real as I am. No more no less.
Luck- let me get this straight, scout bombing successfully with no equip makes you not a noob? Should i go ahead and bet that you used pots to do it?
Maaaaan oh man do the fail trolls become more fail every year x3 Oh well. Nice try Luck, but no. I won't waste any more time with you, my goals to make EP reset, if after I'm done you're still active, I'll deal with you then. Till then, enjoy breathing young grasshopper =D
I don't get it... Your femaleDogging at the guy that despite overwhelming odds managed to slap you up a bit? Who cares if he burnt some mith, it's not what you loose it's what you take
He blocked him, and coz u know your all talk you had nothing else to do but try whinge on forums cuz u know your actions won't back you up lol?