Separate names with a comma.
Key word How off topic it was They only get silenced if they ask for 13 under since the game was rated 13+ about 2 to 3 months ago (roughly)
On that note don't you feel this thread has run it's course? :)
LOL well I was gonna say something different but I saw you post so I just left it how it was
I don't see the word banned anywhere in there :) or do I need glasses?
Banned for not having over 5k posts :)
It's never too late to learn :)
So can anyone just kick anyone out of their thread Now? I don't recall anyone breaking these rules...
Death plz get this man a picture of bigger square buns next time :)
Share your deepest thoughts why? :(
Banned for having a flag :)
That's hot
I see you like kicking everyone off your thread :( Ahhh without people what would the world be?
I saw you :) You must be thinking of GaW
Now this thread just seems like arguing instead of your adventures in Pimd, witch I'm still interested to hear :(
LOL why you gotta do a man like that :(
Mind you but I'm a normal person :) nothing weird here ;)
Hi bby Mia :)
Then why did you ask to be mod? :(
Pipebomb :)
What's a troll? :|