Separate names with a comma.
Arent we missing that this noob made a thread sayin he will reset and quit kaw if people vote for him to do so ? Just hurry up and reset because...
Leave kaw, we dropped you coz your a hte mooch, seem to disappear when we run norm haunt n come back when hte is on. Also hope you are reseting...
Noob lol
I believed it until the one about get rid of all eb's. With the pause button idea there are games out there with that option basically you use...
What about spy buildings
Got all excited for a second lol
Re: Regarding War Abuse @Ty thats why I gave up on ee wars, they dont suit our tz, lifes hard enough with rl things to do without staying up till...
Kaw community very typical to highlight a positive comment and ignoring everything else
Come on devs what a total shambles you have made this out to be, how $$ did you make on seals and horns and crystals for this event and you cant...
Got my rotwb spell but not my hte yet, hope you guys didnt lie to us and we had to stay in clan that we did the ebs in
@kaw community if your time is out of the top 10 because 4 clans had the same time (which is a different time to yours) are you still classed as...
Both me n my allies for sale
Is this a cf thread or recruitment thread?
All wars are tuined by players, people c r y but it is the players who ruin every aspect of the game. Devs inttoduce something and the player base...
Shades is a top guy and a great wc, warred under him in normal ee wars, and im sure his wice chewed his ear off during the ASW lol
Re: Why not both? (Clan Wars and Individual Wars) This defeats the reason for individual war, they were introduced because of roster...
im for sale
no true ps in ee? are you on crack, if it has att buildings it becomes a hansel so no longer classed as ps. i have seen many ps in ee
ok will do
Re: [ISSUE] Rancor Level Loss hey mods shouldnt you guys lock this thread as it has gone off topic, or are you to chicken?