Separate names with a comma.
plus IG
hmm maybe we can do ZAFT vs the -Z- FAmily
listen noob heres a tip for u BANK IN ATTACK POTS AND DONT TALK ON ENEMY WALLLS DONT FORGET IT :mrgreen:
wise iam FIRST TARGET well see how this Ends nice fail strip btw
:roll: again i osw and i ger farmed A LOT i can hardly grow but i dont complain
they cant war thats y i call them eb noobs only in it to become the strongest and then ...
dont Stress your voice Anarchy he just followed me saying he going to bed
LURK MODE :roll:
its just a war game id cry or take it seriusly but i do like to have fun!!! :P
:roll: :roll: :roll: i have know need for talk anymore ill just lurk as i said actions speak louder then words
dude id give a rats but bout equips and growing pretty much having to bank in pots every few day
I want to see if the eb noobs will speak up for themselves
ive already had some success 3 members left and i mean business if u only knew.... xzannder pinned 8-) well just see what happens to them actions...
Dear Deadly Maniacs i know your incoming me with hits i'm officially declaring war on your clan family but my farmers will remain anonymous i'm...
i know hes small but u realize hes n alt right
i perfer osws over ebs thats y i have so little stats osws and ppl aare always revenge farming me
just kidding lol
:lol: :twisted: 8-) your clan less not because your strong and don't need help its because u have no friends
what does fb mean when hitting
war is war and if your gonna call in friends do it already actions speak louder then words