Separate names with a comma.
First off. When you declare yourselves an osw clan but the only action received is via occasional strips, it's not reaaaaaly a war. It's a hit hte...
My favourite series are: The Dark Tower Works by Steven King, and A Tale Of The Three Worlds by Ian Irvine.
Support. Brilliant thread. We shall find the missing clans. Have you tried under the bed?
Id like to know where Bh is getting their info on AoW claiming they won. I know for a fact that I read in cc to cf because mutual agreement had...
Hit back*
I've hit mainly bh during this osw, but they barely seem to home me back. Always an ally. Grow some balls black hand. Hit me
Does he mean 90% of the kaw community will be happy, of 90% of us, like from the knees up?
Ceareally? Him speelingz tat bad?
The unload all is a good idea but if u get caught on regen..... Bye bye troops. Need a repeat action button for smashing enemy players
My first idea is a simple one for those who wish to know the combined damage made in an eb, The Damage Calculator, pretty simple. Gets an average...
This is the worst thread I've ever read. Poor grammar, no info on what the osw is about. Seems like the ramblings of a lost nooblet
I vote for moose, he is dignified and always ready to answer noob questions. Great wc quizzes and is pretty to boot
Vote for me I take great pride In teaching newer players the basics of kaw, build guide and strategy. I'm happy to help clans finish and to...
Re: Equipment Enchantment Guide As always a very informative and direct guide :) KaWs finest clearly making it easier to play for the noobs and...
xtreme got king who was tempowner while i was out lookin to merge. and noobz did it while i was asleep, he was one of the first to join and was...
Love this, helps a lot. Cheers mate
This is brilliant, that way it's a lotto gamble to max out and not a matter of gold, which could favour some over others
Hell yeah. Sounds great.