Separate names with a comma.
Go all spy build.
Do you?
So many fails even with all those mith spells? Try harder and you just prove my point why guild hansels need to be changed all they do is fail...
Why did you never hit me then ? And thank you for not denying my point.
I always thought guild hansels were just the fast easy build... And still do.
@ lovely why would settling it in a kids game, on a war thread, be the right way to report the person to the authorities?
@moose there is nothing wrong with a guild hansel except how can a 1mil cs player attack a 6mil cs player? That would be the only thing needing to...
Unless you have constructive feedback go whine to your mommy.
Then all I can say is thank you for responding and even if the matches are hard... Never give up! :D
To be honest kaw_admin I would just like it more if you guys would respond on threads or even come up with ideas on threads with the players. That...
Some matches have been a little unfair...
Nice job.
Re: Balanced vs Mixed Builds - The Truth I know but you can see the difference in damage by changing one building from the even one to the attack...
Re: Balanced vs Mixed Builds - The Truth Versa if you build a t6 attack the difference is even easier to see.
Please please stop making threads.
Hii Alycone I'm Kittie and I would tell you where I live except it is against TOU
My favorite thing is his name