Separate names with a comma.
This belongs in best of.
Shoot yourself in the foot. Remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. *i take no responsibility for people actually doing this*
What do the blue and red pictures mean on the left side of the forum name mean? I know what lock means, but what does blue mean?
Gee, really? I didn't notice it was a double post at all! Thank you sooooo much Paintboy for saying that?
Just because its a war game doesn't mean you need to fight anyone!
No such thing as dumb questions, just dumb people-Someone smart that definitely isn't me
Double post oops
What about future combat?
@rogue like muppet: yes speakers regen on android
You insulted a whole clan? Wow, that's impressive.
If I see ONE MORE AUSTIN POWERS PICTURE, I will probably do nothing about it.
letsmakebabiesinyourcastle, for real, that's the name
Thanks :)
What does op stand for in forums?
Hmmm... Did it work?
To get an ally hired in wc, just ask for someone to volley them :lol:
If you unfollow someone, do they get a notification?