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Re: Enchanting Equipment Pic*
Re: Enchanting Equipment Missb only in the forum.. And got a pick of gloves maxed if u would like it I love kaw.
Re: Enchanting Equipment miss ;-)
Re: Enchanting Equipment That's great !!! They drop from cods! Need the war pots
Re: Enchanting Equipment P.p.s there are 7 levels to the ring.
Re: Enchanting Equipment P.s level 4 neckless u need 1 fire and 1 water item.
Re: Enchanting Equipment Dont think they drop in cod. Ss,sr,fods .. There the ebs I think correct me if am wrong. L4 gloves level 3 neckless...
P.s word to ya mamma
.."war is coming" in my game play it never went away... Equipment is a really boost to stats and the new update inferno and water things too.. Ebs...
WARrrrrrrrrrr! Yep little bit happy about the new war update..!
From fods.
3 done.. Hope to do more without a fail
Sounds fun.. Get ready for war peeps xx about time tooo
Cheers miss
So ... Opening question really was has the number of mith u can buy dropped to half now?
@ mick am always happy when the sale is on lol
Is it just me? or can all only buy half the amount of mith now. From 29 to 15? Woot woot
Think there coming
What's the numbers for the teams at the moment?
Same as.. Let's use this link to find one