Separate names with a comma.
I am leaning towards thinking being a PS with allies puts you the same category as a mole or a cc spammer too, you purposely enter a war situation...
And Bloom that is your choice make it, go hansel or PS, I dont care, all I care about is changing systems for ppl who cant fathom its a war game...
It seems PS think they deserve to have all the benefits of massively high spies without the risk of the downside to their build, imho thats a...
No Support, its a dog eat dog kaworld, ps always knew they could be stripped if they hold allies, why should devs constantly change things for a...
So far the only real downside in s5 is the lag, I doubt devs/ata actually have ablitiy to run so many wars at once, so far every war has felt like...
a little left field but why is allied BFA static when account themselves lose % certain equip and other % based items
You couldnt be more wrong, a new formed clan tho may have similar builds clan % is low which makes a large difference in tanking or successful...
I actually agree with Spilatch, ppl have always tried to match easy wins, its a mith farm and boosts prestige, and to think it doesnt happen coz...
Last pvp event was a joke. Are you all serious? it wasnt even close to pvp, no risk at all involved and ppl farmed alts. I cant believe all you...
Eaglesword you are actually wrong, Battlegrounds and Silver both beat Sylvers war clans a fair amount of times, so much so that its really best...
Its been said over and over again by much smarter ppl then me, how you deserve anything in fake world ? what does *deserve* even mean? Ally...
I got top 500 with one seal, no crystals and ffa pots. My seal was won from a RotWB. I am happy. I got 1908 trophies. Play Smart not Hard. ;-)
Tbh ppl just farmed their alts or clan mates, there was barely any pvp risk, devs should stick to letting ppl lose their stockpile like we did...
Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief No Vampers, they will open lands where build tokens will be invalid. :-))))
Numb Nut, ps1 is a spec hansel build ? do your homework and learn your history. A true hansel has only one troop building. all other versions are...
Moose/Devs just proves that you must be a big spending towered troop build to compete in modern kaw. Who said Plunder wars is about the biggest...
I remember this little noob that I meet near the start of Season 1,, 3m3raldCity_AS was his name, he quickly surpassed almost all of his senior...
Or equality ^
My Fav Banks are any all builds, I find them all good enough to nibble on, of course I may not earn much, but its about quality. Of equality...
I prefer a steal or lose system, where I have a chance to lose my equip due to heavy repeated inc from an attacking account, although I am...